[iBook] Wireless printing

Russ Gorman rusty57 at mac.com
Sun Aug 20 17:36:17 PDT 2006

On Aug 20, 2006, at 9:58 AM, Peter Nevett wrote:

> You're right, I didn't describe how the printer is connected,  
> because it is a bit complicated.
> It is a Hewlet PackardLaserJet 2100M printer, of a respectable age.  
> It does not have a USB port so I use the AppleTalk connection,  
> going through a Farallon Ethernet iPrint Adapter (ethernet to  
> Appletalk) so I can use the ethernet port on either iBook if  
> necessary.
> The point is that the G4, running OSX and Airport Extreme, prints  
> perfectly through this system with the printer's ethernet cable  
> connected to ne of the ethernet ports on teh 2Wire 2700HG wireless  
> router. The G3, with OS 9 and Airport, does not even see the  
> printer in Chooser.
> Any further ideas?
> Pete
Not seeing the printer in chooser usually means Appletalk is not  
pointed at the right port (printer vs. modem or ethernet) when using  
Airport is there a choice for Airport in the Appletalk control panel?

I support a number of OS9 machines that print using  Appletalk over  
ethernet to a LaserJet during the school year but don't have access  
to them right now to experiment with a setup like yours...
I think as long as the wireless router supports Appletalk ( which few  
seem to ) it should work

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