[iBook] Help me help a friend

Jean-Paul Thuot fearsome.orange at gmail.com
Tue Feb 28 21:19:17 PST 2006

Hi List,

A friend wants to buy a notebook.  She's never used a Mac, and is
something of a techno-idiot.  She's strictly going to be
email/web/word processing for the most part.

She has about $1800 US for a computer.  I think that's not enough for
a Macbook Pro, but more than enough for a ramped up PPC iBook.  Of
course the question is, should she get a G4 iBook now?  She can not
afford to wait six months until the new Intel iBooks come out.  I am
moving in two months, so it needs to be soon so that I can spend some
time getting her up to speed on it.  Otherwise I think she's just
going to go with a Windows machine.

Of course it's her decision, but I really think that for someone who
isn't very savvy (esp. with virii and adware etc.) a Mac is the best
idea.  How long will the PPC Macs be supported by Apple, does anyone

What say you all?



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