[iBook] Yet another problem...

Pat patdart at cox.net
Fri Jun 2 20:17:37 PDT 2006

Thanks, Steve, but there is no reset button on this Titanium G4 
Powerbook that I can find.  I went around it using the Tool and found 
no place that would awaken it.  No startup tones at all, just silence.


On Jun 2, 2006, at 10:04 PM, Steve R wrote:

> At 6:23 PM -0500 06/02/06, Pat wrote:
>> You guys are so good and helpful, but I now have a real serious 
>> problem.  My TiBook 400 simply won't boot at all!  I was going to 
>> move some programs from it to my friend's and I haven't booted it in 
>> a couple of months and now, I hit the start button and nothing 
>> happens at all. What does this mean?  I've checked the plugs, the 
>> wall plug, etc. but I've never had it not respond at all.
>> HELP!  It's my oldest and most dear one and what could be the problem?
> Have you tried the reset button? On the iBook Dual USB, it's the very 
> very very tiny button just above the speaker plugin. You'll need the 
> Official Macintosh Toolâ„¢ aka unbent paperclip to push the button in. 
> You should hear startup chimes shortly after release.
> Steve R

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