[iBook] Graphite clamshell to give?

VICTORIA.DUGGAN victoria.duggan at ntlworld.com
Wed May 31 15:44:30 PDT 2006

On May 31, 2006, at 11:26 PM, Brian Pearce wrote:

>> I've got a clammshell Ibook 466 mhz, (firewire), with dvd to  
>> give...my son drop a glass of juice on it...
>> Now, it does makes the bong at start up, but thats about it...
>> It looks like its kaput...
>> What do you think?

What sort of juice was it if it was coke then you need to turn it off  
take out the battery and clean it all out with alcohol fluid and let  
it dry totally about 3 days in a warm place should be ok once you  
have done this you need to see if there are any sticky spots (if  
there are clean it again and let it dry again) then put it all back  
together and try to start it, if you just shake it off and try to  
start it there is a chance that some liquid will still be there and  
short something, if you just let it dry and then start it the coke  
will go to like a glue and when the heat of the laptop starts to  
build up it will melt again and short something. you can buy cleaning  
fluid for circuit boards in electrical shops like maplins.
I got a 400 mhz Ti last year that an insurance company had replaced  
due to a coke spill. I dried it all out cleaned the boards and all  
the internals replaced the ram cards and hdd cable and it ran perfect  
for a week solid, i then sold it to a friend (telling him the history  
first) and he has not had an issue with it so far and uses it daily.


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