On Mar 14, 2005, at 3:14 PM, Samantha Cornell wrote: > Has anyone been listening to Podcasts? Yes, I've been listening to them for a few months now. > What software do you recommend? iPodder is great: http://ipodder.sourceforge.net/index.php After you select which Podcasts you want to subscribe to, the files are downloaded to your specified folder... > What are the best ways to organize them in iTunes? ...and then automatically imported into iTunes with playlist tags, ready for transferring to your iPod or listening via iTunes. Some great podCasts are: Adam Curry's "Daily Source Code" http://www.dailysourcecode.com Coverville http://www.coverville.com/ The Dawn and Drew Show http://www.dawnanddrew.com You should also read this nice article from the current issue of Wired - you'll learn everything you need to know about podCasting here: http://www.wired.com/wired/archive/13.03/curry.html -Steve -- Steve Talkowski Animation Director / Animator http://homepage.mac.com/stevetalkowski