[CUBE] Making DVDs

Alan Thompson athomp2 at mac.com
Mon Dec 9 12:25:42 PST 2002

I don't have a DVD burner, but I've done what you are talking about using Toast and iMovie - using export to Toast Video CD, or the VCD format.  Not all DVD players can play VCDs, however.

Which DVD-R burner do you have, and what software came with it (at how much $$) - I'm just interested, because of the VCD incompatibility problem with some consumer DVD players.


On Monday, Dec 09, 2002, at 07:26AM, Robert W. Bumala <Robert.W.Bumala at lmco.com> wrote:

>   I'm thinking of putting some of my home movies off onto DVD.  I have 
>a Cannon digital camera, and so I can get the video into iMovie.  is the 
>software that comes with a DVD-R adequate?  Has anyone actually done 
>this?  Any pitfalls I should be aware of?
>Robert W. Bumala
>Circuit Design Engineer Specialist
>Lockheed Martin Advanced Technology Center

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