[CUBE] Chronic sleep/shutdown problems

Erik Ness erikness at tds.net
Wed Dec 11 11:47:04 PST 2002

At 7:43 PM -0800 12/10/02, Selma McCrory wrote:
>the Gateway PC it shares a monitor with

Sounds like your not using and Apple monitor. In that case, consider 
my post of many months ago:

>First, I wanted to update my earlier post about my on/off problem 
>with my new Cube. Since I removed the short male-to-female VGA 
>adapter I've now had two days of solid performance out of the Cube 
>with nary a problem. Because I was largely unable to access the Cube 
>with the adapter installed, I am now assuming that this -- along 
>with some kind of disjunction with the monitor -- was actually the 
>problem, not the dc-dc card.
>FWIW, the Apple tech I spoke to could find no record of this kind of 
>problem. The symptoms are continuous sleep-wake-sleep cycles, with 
>occasional restarts thrown in for confusing good measure, 
>immediately after startup. Basically, you can't get to the user 
>interface. Once I was able to launch Eudora, but that was it. The 
>monitor I have is a 17" ViewSonic A75f.

So, try scrapping the connector (raise the cube if need be). Also, I 
don't know how you're doing your monitor sharing, but if the 
connector has problems with some monitors, it suggests a general 
cabling problem which may rear it's head in your sharing scheme. 
Also, I find that if I power on the Cube too soon after I turn on the 
power strip, the monitor messes things up. It seems to take about 8 
seconds to finish it's sense routine, after which it works fine.


 From my archive: How to Breed a 2,000-pound Rhino
Erik Ness          <erikness at tds.net>          608-242-7604

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