how to verify it's a cube

Da Pen macstonelson at
Wed Dec 24 10:49:22 PST 2003

HI everyone,
I am considering buying a cube on ebay and want to
verify that it is not DOA BEFORE it ships.  IS there
info I can get the seller to give to me, while on a
live phone call, that will verify that the cube is on
and working?  Say some piece of info from the System
Profiler that will verify?  Are the "boot rom" or "rom
revisions" telltale info specific to each model, ie
cube vs quicksilver?
Thanks for help!
Hope you all have a Merry Christmas!!
Cheers!  Dave

PS. Replies are fine off-list because I'm in digest
mode.  The sooner the better on this one.  Thanks.

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