[CUBE] PowerLogix WILL Offer Dual 1.2 GHz For Cube Once They Pass Final Testing

Thubten Kunga Kunga at FutureMedia.org
Tue Jan 7 22:09:30 PST 2003

Just wanted to set this string so you all know that the press release 
we read today was obsolete. There are also misleading pages on 
PowerLogix's site that would mislead us into believing this is not 
going to happen. According to Robert it WILL happen later this month.


> On Tuesday, January 7, 2003, at 11:23  PM, Robert Jagitsch wrote:
>> Where did we say only dual 800? :)
>> We will officially offer single 800 to 1.2ghz, dual 800, dual 1gig, 
>> and
>> i'm xx% sure we'll offer dual 1.2. ;) The press release was written
>> conservatively pending final testing of the 1.2s, which should be
>> completed next week.
>> R

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