[CUBE] itunes4

Allan Hise allan at hise.org
Sun May 4 13:00:03 PDT 2003

So far, fairly unimpressed.
The search seems weird, as well. The other day, I was having a discussion
with my wife about whether ZZ Top sings (a cover) of "I Thank You". A
search for "ZZ Top" didn't show it. My proceeded to gloat. I trhen
searched for "Thank You" and sure enough it is there.

It seems like the music store limits the returns on a search, and gives
priority to track names over artist names. In my rather unscientific
tests, of course.

But yeah, I haven't been able to find anything to buy yet.

On Sun, 4 May 2003, Mark Plunkett wrote:

> I am not blown away by the selection on apple store. I hope it
> improves. I did a search for The Smiths, Pavement, and Beulah... and
> struck out.
> I wonder if anyone else is unimpressed with the current music available.

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