Fwd: [CUBE] Fwd: [CUBE] WEB Hosting through an Airport Extreme

Eagle eagle243 at mac.com
Fri Apr 23 06:47:03 PDT 2004

Begin forwarded message:
> If he was testing with the internal address (, then he of 
> course _would_ have been able to get there from the iMac.

I meant iBook, sorry.

>   If from the same iBook on the same LAN he was trying to use his 
> external address, then the ABS might not have forwarded it to the 
> address.  (I'm not sure whether the ABS has this 
> limitation, but I know several cable routers do.)
> I've never heard of this "double DHCP" issue - would you elaborate?
> Cheers.
> Eagle
> On Apr 23, 2004, at 09:31, atoa at krak.net wrote:
>> Doubtful. In that case, he wouldn't have been able to get there via 
>> the
>> directly connected iBook, either.
>> It could be that he has the double dhcp issue.
>> On Fri, 23 Apr 2004, Eagle wrote:
>>> I wonder whether he's checking his web access from INSIDE his ABS or
>>> outside his ABS.  That is, trying to give the WAN address from his 
>>> LAN,
>>> or using the WAN address from somewhere outside his LAN.
>>> Many cable routers (and the like) will not answer requests to the WAN
>>> address from the LAN.
>>> Eagle
>>> On Apr 23, 2004, at 09:22, Luis Meleiro wrote:
>>>> Sorry to disagree 'atoa'. Yes, it was a typo, and this was Bob's
>>>> prompt reply where he says so:
>>>> robert-dot-w-dot-bumala-at-lmco-dot-com - 2004/04/21 23:24 PM >>>
>>>> "Indeed a typo.  The address is  I've checked and
>>>> rechecked it.
>>>> Bob."
>>>> Don't know if he has already his problem solved though.

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