[Cube] re: Getting my cube to "see" this hard drive.

Stefan no-spam at punkt-x.de
Thu Apr 9 07:57:21 PDT 2009

Hello Carrie,

(1) have you had a look onto the jumpers?

If the harddisk is slave for example and the DVD too, you will have problems.

(2) Maybe the cube has a wrong firmware to boot 
with OS-X. Have look onto Apple support site-

These are the main possible reasons.

Can you start the cube with an OS-X DVD via DVD-start?
If not, that might be the firmware issue.
If yes, that speaks for the HD-problem (jumper) - 
I would mean that's might be the main reason.

Of course the HD can be simply defectŠ?
Try to start from an external or the internal DVD 
with OS-X or OS 9 and with the specific HD in an 
external FW-enclosure. Will it be recognized 
then? The FW-externals are not specific with the 
jumpers as far as I know.

Good luck

>  This is my first posting.  I purchased this 
>cube off of ebay. I am trying to get this up & 
>running but have hit a major snag. It just won't 
>"see" the hard drive. It had everything deleted 
>by the seller. The unit sees the external 
>firewire disc drive & boots it with a OSX disc, 
>but still doesn't find the HD to install it to, 
>not sure if it sees it's own internal drive. I 
>have I thought properly reformatted the hard 
>drive useing another cube, but it still doesn't 
>see it. My next options I think are reformatting 
>a hd in another cube, swapping the disc drive 
>from another cube, any thoughts out there? Much 
>appreciated.  Kindest Regards,    Carrie in 

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