PowerBook Duo 270c HD problem

Robert R. Daniel rrdaniel2 at mac.com
Mon Nov 25 18:21:32 PST 2002

> When I ran the Apple HD SC Setup, I was able to start an Initialization.
> The init runs fine, but I always get an error on "Verifying format", and now
> it doesn't even recognize the hard disk!

It may be a failing hard disk, in which case there is little to do
other than to replace the hard drive.

How did you go about initializing the drive (from a floppy drive or
Apple cd-rom drive or a third-party solution)?  That might make a
difference.  Also, a low-level format may help.

Did you use Drive Setup to update the drivers?

> I am a "newbie" to old Mac stuff, as the first Mac I ever worked on was a
> PowerBook G3 Lombard.

I have a Dock, which makes it easier to install software and run
diagnostics on Duos.  I also have an extra (small!) SCSI drive in my
stockpile of extra Duo stuff.  You could also take a look on eBay
where good SCSI hard drives for pre-2300c Duos show up from
time to time.  Some of the smaller ones (acceptable for OS 7.6.1)
can be had at a reasonable price.

What do you plan to use this Duo for?  It is possible that an 80 MB
hard drive will be more than sufficient.  So why don't you consider
(1) finding someone with a Dock (which may make initialization and
installation go more smoothly), (2) installing another hard drive or
(3) putting the Duo up for auction as a "parts" machine".  I, for one,
would love to get my hands on a good 270c screen.

At any rate, I tip my hat to you for your desire to save a functional
machine and to avoid adding one more computer to the garbage stream.

Best wishes,


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