[Duo2400] Re: Can't Delete Claris Emailer 2 downloads from HD

Thomas G. Monclova samoht at bl.org
Thu Dec 4 11:57:29 PST 2003

> Thanks for your reply, but itss not a matter of
> emptying the Trash.  What's happening is that I can't
> get the Trash can to accept the to-be-deleted file.

	With Finder weirding out and such, I'd consider two things.  One,
check the filesystem with Norton Disk Doctor/Disk Commander/Disk First
Aid, and two, open one of the offending files (or look at the folder) in
Resedit and check to see if it's locked, hidden, undeletable, etc.
FileTyper )http://dazuma.freeshell.org/filetyper( does a good job too.

	This is very strange, indeed.


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