[Duo2400] Ethernet

Brian Getz briang113 at yahoo.com
Mon Oct 6 11:35:20 PDT 2003

If you are direct connecting two computers without a
router, hub or switch you must use crossover cables.

Of course appletalk must be set to ethernet.

If that is the case it should be a breeze.

All of the Apple OS are backwards compatible using

I have 7.5, 8.6, 9.2 and X machines on the same
network. All sharing files, no problems.

--- "Goodwin, Greg" <GoodwinG at aafes.com> wrote:
>       For the past month I have been a 250 user. 
> Last weekend I found a 280c at the First Saturday
> Sidewalk sale.  I saw it last month, and there it
> was this month.  The battery, suprisingly is good
> too.
>      (Is there any reason a 280 would not use a
> recently rebuilt 250 battery BTW)??
>      Here is the big question...
>      ... I have the Duo Dock II and Duo Dock plus. 
> I found the dongle adaptors that adapt the little
> mini-network port to the regular ethernet lan port. 
> Been playing with this under system 7.5.x with no
> luck getting ethernet and appletalk to work.
>      Trying to get this 7.5 computer to talk to a
> 9.22 system.
>      So I have a billion questions on this.  I've
> gotten 9.22 and system x Appletalk systems to work
> through a Linksys router.  (I would connect this up
> again, but I forgot the IP address to talk to that
> thing... maybe find the instructions tonight).  I
> have yet to get a 7.5 system to talk to a appletalk
> network.
>      Hopefully getting this Duo 280c to talk to the
> 9.22 system will be easier than my Newton 2000 has
> been.  :)
>     Take care!
> Greg Goodwin

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