[Duo2400] Battery Charger upgrade

Gregg Eshelman g_alan_e at yahoo.com
Wed Oct 8 00:06:32 PDT 2003

--- RasAzul at aol.com wrote:
> Hello List, I have a problem I hope you can help me
> with, I have a Duo 2300 
> running OS 8.6 with a 6gig harddrive and 28mb of ram
> built in. My problem is 
> that I have a typeIII battery I would like to get
> charged but my power supply 
> battery charger (model m1812) won't charge the
> battery. It seems it needs an 
> upgrade in order to do so. Here is the question:
> does anyone on the list know 
> where to find this needed upgrade. I have searched
> Apple older software downloads 
> and can't find it there. Perhaps I overlooked
> something.
> Any and all help will be greatly appreciated.
> Brad

The instructions are here.

Since you're running OS 8.6 there is nothing extra
to download. The computer will send the update code
to the charger.

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