Saturday night! Football!, me getting a Lombard ready for a friend who is computer-less right now. I quickly realize that the machine, if it is to play DVD movies, would be best served running Classic(!), as the Lombard's DVD hardware does not work with OSX supposedly... So as I setup my friend's machine, I realize that the OSX feature of switching desktop pics is something I think she would like, but it's not built-into classic... what to do, what to do...??? ..Oh! The app called "Decor'" -- I remember that... the app on Classic that allowed you to set the desktops to change at a predesignated rate. Yes. Now, where to find it? The download site seems to have an issue -- Expander is warning me it is corrupted. Oh well, I... wait; didn't I have it on a machine of mine at one time? Yeah, my 2400c I think... So, I go into the basement where my Mac Museum resides (Powerbook 550c, 540 w/ touchscreen, tablet laptop based on the Powerbook 5300, tablet based on the iBook clamshell -- but I digress!) and I pull out the 2400c. After all these years -- and it has been about a year since I used it(!) -- it still, STILL!, looks tiny, tiny!! These days I mostly use my Titanium as a daily machine, so I am used to seeing a big silver plank daily. Sure, the modern netbooks have it on thin-ness, but the 2400c's thickness makes it seem more substancial to me! It STILL looks great! I crank it up, and ...oh, whatthe hell! LEAVE IT UNPLUGGED! Let's see how many seconds the battery lasts... Well, I have typed this entire e-mail while using it unplugged -- for about 45 minutes now! -- and it is still going strong... wow! I THINK I'M TAKING THIS TO WORK (Daystar Technology/Suwanee, GA) on Monday! ;-)\ Oh yeah... "Decor" -- I think it's on the 2300c(!) actually... time to heat THAT one up now, but I think I'll KEEP IT PLUGEED IN! Craig W. Atlanta, GA "If you go to war you have already lost" ---Shogun Tokugawa ...from a 2400c/G3 320mhz WiFi'd by Orinoco</HTML>