[G4] Constant Catalog Corruption

sr ferenczy srf7425 at rit.edu
Tue Feb 3 18:14:33 PST 2004

in my personal and professional usage, WD has one of the best (read: 
fewest failures) track records of drives currently available. the only 
manufacturer i would rate above it would be seagate. this is with 
having used (all ATA) WD, Seagate, IBM/Hitachi, and Maxtor. In 
addition, the WD 8 MB cache drives have always provided me with great 

I have had all brands fail, but the maxtors and IBMs seem to 
consistently fail (though, the IBMs supply great performance for their 
short life span)


On Feb 3, 2004, at 3:29 PM, Ryan Fleming wrote:

> Really why? And what brand would you recommend instead?
> On 2/3/04 2:36 PM, "Wilkin, Wayne (Mass)" <Wayne.Wilkin at Staples.com> 
> wrote:
>> Just my 2¢, but western digital, wouldn't take one if it was given to 
>> me.
> -- 
> Ryan
> Randall Flagg
> www.randallflagg.ws

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