[G4] Airport Express behavior

Jim Pacyga jim.pacyga at earthlink.net
Sat Oct 30 15:13:21 PDT 2004

Simple place to start...

Do you have AirTunes enabled on the PowerMac?

  iTunes Preferences->Audio->Look for...AirTunes

On 30 Oct 2004, at 13:26, John Lanza wrote:

> All:
> I hope someone out there can help me with this, since Apple support 
> was unable to do so.  I have an Airport Extreme Base Station and an 
> Airport Express.  The Airport Extreme and Airport Express are 
> configured as a Wireless Distribution System -- the Extreme is the 
> main base station and the Express is a remote base station.
> Connected to the wireless network is a Powerbook G4 and a PowerMac G4 
> (AGP).  Both are running X.3.5, iTunes 4.7, and software update has 
> been run on both machines to insure they have the most up-to-date 
> versions of all software.  I have checked the preferences settings on 
> both machines for iTunes, Network Connect, etc. and they are 
> identical.  The rub is that the PowerBook can stream mp3 files to the 
> Airport Express with no trouble.  The PowerMac G4, however, can't, 
> although it happily accesses the Internet over the Express.  In fact, 
> iTunes on the PowerMac doesn't even display the pull-down menu for 
> selecting the Airport Express.  The only difference between the two 
> machines is the cards -- the PowerMac G4 has a regular Airport Card 
> (802.11b) and the PowerBook G4 has an Airport Extreme Card (802.11g).
> Since all Apple marketing material states that one can use 802.11b 
> cards with Express, I'm at a loss for what could be the problem.  Any 
> ideas?
> johnl
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