Crazy Miz B of the Crazed Cowboys wrote: > I feel so fortunate--- > > I got a response from Keith, apparently, and it was one of those > unheard-of-never-happened-before days when my ISP sent me emails but > without content. > > So, Keith---whatever you said---well, I feel very undownloaded about it > after reading the below. So, I have about 400 friends, family, and > acquaintances who may think I'm dead. > > Worst of all---our band gig was moved UP two hours due to cool > temperatures (outdoor gig) ---- and I didn't know about the change...It > made for a really quick set-up on my part. YIKES! > > "The message from keith_w <keith_w at> concerning “Re: > [X4U] End of An Era” has not been downloaded from the server. You need > to take this account online in order to download it." > > Since I haven't been offline in about four weeks---I can only say---- CRAP. > > Miz B > > "You gotta be kidding me." > --A dazed and bewildered web wanderer Am unable to decode your warning message from your ISP, but my message, en toto, was: * * * * Crazy Miz B of the Crazed Cowboys wrote: > I want to thank everybody here who's helped me over the past year or so... > > A long and lingering death of the G4 necessitated a move up to an iMac G5. > Horrid grief and sadness...and thent--Hallelujah joy! > > It's ultra-cool and I'm in love, but I will miss my strong, sure and loyal > Baby... > > Best of luck to you all, and thanks to those who helped me so often. Now that sure sounds like you're leaving us! Is it that you have stopped being "a casual user" that you're leaving? Or what? Or maybe you think that with that new machine, you're home free for a while, with no problems? <g> I sure hope that's true, and wish you luck! keith whaley > Drop me a line if I still owe you a CD! I'm about a year behind and a million bucks short--but that's nothing new...and I show no signs of changing. Keep me in your address book if we've become friends--you know who you are... : ) > > Paula >