On Mon, Mar 9, 2009 at 7:11 AM, Aaron <aaron at macuser.fastmail.fm> wrote: > > No, but you can check out any of these for starters: > <http://groups.google.com/group/g3-5-list/browse_thread/thread/ef5b6fc64e49a74c/72ba3c7d5502a915> > <http://clusty.com/search?query=mdd+heat-sink> > <http://clusty.com/search?query=G4+mdd+heat-sink+paste>. > (IMO, Clusty is a better search engine than Google.) Arctic Silver, a maker of premium heat sink paste, has some nice instructions for how to apply it: http://www.arcticsilver.com/pdf/appinstruct/asta/ins_asepxy.pdf -- Rich Sent from: Belmont MA United States.