[HM] PowerBook or MacBook pro????

Duane Murphy duanemurphy at mac.com
Thu Aug 10 11:31:44 PDT 2006

--- At Thu, 10 Aug 2006 16:51:18 +0000, janesprando at comcast.net wrote:

>I  am thinking of buying another laptop. I have a G-4 PowerBook, but my
>monopolizes it. (he thinks I should be using my G4 iMac in another part
>of the 
>I was going to buy another G-4 since they have come down in price with the 
>introductions of MacBook. On the other hand, maybe I should buy the
>latest --- 
>but then wouldn't I have to upgrade all my software for the Intel
>That could be very expensive.

In a word, by the MacBook.

PowerPC is all done. Intel is the future. If you're going to invest
money in technology you should always invest in the latest because when
you invest, it will already be outdated.

Rosetta works. It's not Classic. PowerPC applications work just fine on
Intel machines. Most applications are already converting. Many of them
with free upgrades because in many cases, it is very easy for them.
Otherwise the next version of major apps will be Intel and have new
features so you'll have to upgrade any how.

For most consumers a MacBook is fine rather than a MacBook Pro. There
are not a lot of features different between them any longer. (I like the
lighted keyboard on the Pro. :-)



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