Still... Sound Effects Where?!

Gordon B. Alley galley at
Sun Feb 2 14:01:27 PST 2003

On Sun, 2 Feb 2003 10:35:22 -0800, David <themixguy at> wrote:
>Sorry to be thick...
>But I can't make my own sound effects folder show up in iMovie 3 (dual
>USB iBook, Jaguar). I created a "Sound Effects" folder in the Library
>for iMovie and placed it in the "Plug-ins" folder. No luck. Can someone
>post the recipe for this struggling newbie? And I was hoping to make
>one folder with all my sound effects to be used by all users on this
>computer, not duplicating folders for each user or importing all sound
>effects into iTunes (a workaround).

The "Sound Effects" folder doesn't belong inside the "Plug-ins" 
folder, it goes inside the ~/Library/iMovie folder, at the same level 
as the "Plug-ins" folder.

~/Library/iMovie/Sound Effects/

Gordon Alley  <*>
<mailto:galley at>

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