[MacDV] Re: imovie 3 and VCD

Gerhard Kuhn suspice at hay.net
Sun Feb 2 18:25:51 PST 2003

Kunga did you install iMovie 3 that was downloaded "unofficially" (eg. 
Limewire)?  I remember some talk prior to the official release about 
it's availability and these beta copies probably would have expired 
near the official release date.

On Sunday, February 2, 2003, at 08:26  PM, Thubten Kunga wrote:

> That fixed the expired message. But do you know where my 5.2 unexpired 
> export plug in is and where to move it to get it today with current 
> date? I really don't want to have to open the clock pref file every 
> time I want to make a VCD export.
> k
> On Sunday, February 2, 2003, at 05:37  PM, Dennis A. Amith wrote:
>> On 2/2/03 5:13 PM, "Thubten Kunga" <Kunga at FutureMedia.org> wrote:
>>> Absolutely. I didn't mean to say it can't be done manually. Roxio 
>>> told
>>> me that the automated Video CD direct to Toast Export in iMovie 3 was
>>> temporarily broken until Roxio issues us an update that will restore
>>> it. I may have been misinformed by an uninformed technical support
>>> person two weeks ago?
>>> I thought that was what Len was asking about. Right Len?
>>> But when I tried what Gerhard says worked for him, I got a "This
>>> preview version of Video CD Export has expired." you're screwed box. 
>>> I
>>> have a legal full working copy of Toast. What gives?
>> If you set your year to 2001 instead of 2003...Let me know if you 
>> still get
>> this "expired" notice.
>> Sincerely,
>> Daa
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Gerhard Kuhn
suspice at hay.net

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