Hi listas, I'm sorry I was away so long. Just like Erica I became a father last december. Enfin... this is a maclist. I have a problem. Big for me. My both firewire connectors on my iMacDVSE 500 don't work anymore. When I connect my external HD, iPod or Camera nothing happens. Sometimes the computer slows down to the speed of a Macintosh SE when I connect the camera. A few weeks ago the problem started with sometimes yes a connection and sometimes no no connection. Sometime during capturing to my external HD it unmounts. Sorry for this childisch english, but I'm clever in mac's not languages. I thought it came during switchng to Jaguar and then updating to 10.2.3 A local dealer thinks it's a software problem and will look at my machine for 45 euro's Screw him! I brought my machine back to factory settings OS9.02. Same problem yet. Is this a software problem. Could this be the firmware or what? If it's a hardware problem, can I fix this myself. My dealer says if it is I have to return it to Apple. I don't repair the logic board. Someone has a solution?? Regards Hans de Bijl http://www.hansdebijl.tk