[MacDV] Re: OT: AAC > MP3

Matthew Guemple mo.og at verizon.net
Tue Jul 8 15:50:06 PDT 2003

Oh man.. what an idiot! I guess I was having some sort of fit...
I was trying to import them instead of just converting them...
thanks for the help everyone!

On Tuesday, July 8, 2003, at 03:32 AM, Filipp Lepalaan wrote:

> I just tried:
> iTunes -> Preferences -> Importing -> As MP3
> Select the AAC files in the library Advanced -> Convert
> selection to MP3
> The mp3's will be in the same folder as the original
> AAC files.
> About the FW drive: maybe You didn't
> "Install MacOS 9 Drivers" when You
> erased it under OS X?
> filipp
> On 7/8/03 10:12 AM, "Matthew Guemple" <mo.og at verizon.net> wrote:
>> No the weird thing is I'm using iTunes 4 and OSX...
>> It just won't see the aac files as valid.
>> It plays them fine but will not convert them back to mp3s.
>> Mucho strange and annoying... back to limewire I guess...
>> The only work around I have actually brings me to another question. I
>> have a firewire drive that for whatever reason will not be recognized
>> by a machine running 9... do FW drives need to have some sort of
>> intitialization to mount under OS9?
>> M
>> On Monday, July 7, 2003, at 11:28 PM, Daniel Beck wrote:
>>> On Tuesday, July 8, 2003, at 09:22 AM, Mark.Florida wrote:
>>>> That's the catch here -- Matthew, to do this through iTunes you'll
>>>> have to do it on a machine running Mac OS X.
>>>> Maybe QuickTime 6 in Mac OS 9 supports AAC audio?  Maybe there's a
>>>> utility somewhere to easily (but probably slowly) convert from AAC  
>>>> to
>>>> MP3 (or AIFFs that can be converted to MP3s) via QuickTime in Mac OS
>>>> 9?  Maybe AAC files are just not going to work in Mac OS 9?
>>> Ah, from OS 9? Try Amadues II. They recently added AAC support.
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Matthew Guemple
Art Director/03
mo.og at verizon.net
c. 646.734.6601
h. 646.742.0994

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