I have been using a G3 Powerbook (333MHz) with a Firewire Cardbus card with 2 external firewire drives (sometimes 3) and a camcorder, hooked up at the same time, for video editing over the past 3 years. (the cardbus card connected to an ADS Pyro case (900 chipset) with a second and sometimes 3rd drive and a camcorder hooked up to it... thank goodness for the 3 port ADS case) I installed a 30GB IBM Travelstar 4200RPM to the Powerbook about a year ago and use that for video editing as well without any problems. I have used it with Premiere and iMovie. Only problem with this setup... hard drives are recognized in Jaguar but NOT any of the 3 different camcorders that I use. Therefore, I am stuck in OS9 for importing and exporting footage.