[MacDV] Re: EyeTV [was grab stills from video]

Jack Jacklich drjack at betterendo.com
Sun Mar 30 19:11:02 PST 2003

At 6:51 PM -0800 3/30/03, Jack Jacklich wrote:
>At 4:27 PM -0500 3/30/03, Art Amolsch wrote:
>>Can you tell us more about your experience with EyeTV?
>>How's the quality, the ease of use, etc.?
>I don't know where my brain was when I wrote that. I guess it wasn't 
>EyeTV that had the frame grabber. I was using SnapZPro grabbing 
>images WHILE using EyeTV.

You know. I never make misteaks. I thought I did one time but I was mistaken.

I wish to amend my testimony.

There IS a frame grabber in EyeTV. Use Command C to capture to the 
clipboard and Shift-Command C to capture to a file.

Mea Culpa. Mea Culpa. Mea Maxima Culpa.


Dr. Jack Jacklich, 102 Western Court, Santa Cruz, CA  95060
Cell Phone and voice mail(831)901-0317 (831)426-1485 most of the time
Digital Cell Phone Email 8319010317 at messaging.nextel.Com
'Web Page...Endodontics 101'   http://www.BetterEndo.com
AOL Screen Name 'DrJackJacklich'

Life May Have A Rear View Mirror But It Doesn't Have a Reverse Gear

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