[MacDV] Re: Toast 5.0.2

Thubten Kunga Kunga at FutureMedia.org
Mon Mar 31 15:00:33 PST 2003

>>  I thought I selected 3 since 2 was in the
>> folder listed in the dialog box. The dialog box was an OS9 not an OSX
>> dialog box.
> Since I recently had to wipe my  main drive and reinstall, I can run 
> through what I did with regard to Toast and iMovie.
> 1) Installed iLife (which has iMovie 3).
> 2) Used Software Update to upgrade to the newest version of iMovie 3.
> 3) Installed Toast Titanium version 5.0, this was an OS X native 
> installer.
> 4) Ran the update for Toast Titanium -also OS X native (no Classic 
> required)
> 4) Opened a project in iMovie 3 and looked for the VCD export -it 
> wasn't there.
> 5) Restarted.
> 6) Opened the same project in iMovie 3 and looked for VCD export -it 
> showed up now.
> Just remember, there's another step in iMovie 3. You have to select 
> Export, use Export to Quicktime, and select the "Expert" options and 
> hit the Export button. When the "Save File" dialog box pops up, Toast 
> VCD export will then show up as an option in a pull-down menu (sorry, 
> my terminology for these options may be a little off, I'm in the 
> middle of an export so I can't double check them). In other words, it 
> doesn't show up as a "top level" option like it did in iMovie 2 -you 
> have to select it in the Save dialog box.
> -Mike

Toast current version is 5.2.1 with the brand new updater NOT 5.0.2 NOT 
a separate export installer.


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