[MacDV] Re: iTunes 4 & The iTunes Music Store

Steven Rogers srogers1 at austin.rr.com
Fri May 2 12:25:38 PDT 2003

On Friday, May 2, 2003, at 01:10 PM, Chris Searles wrote:

> I'm a bit late getting back to this, but it had to be said: Erica, you 
> are to be all the more admired for being able to raise kids and at the 
> same time make such positive contributions to the Mac community in the 
> form of your book (which I've heard is very good) and your regular 
> participation and help on this list!

It is pretty amazing, and probably no coincidence that you can 
rearrange the letters in "Erica Sadun" to spell "I am actually three 
people". Well, OK, you have to add some letters . . . .


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