iTunes 4 & The iTunes Music Store

Tom Kirshbaum tom.kirshbaum at
Fri May 2 13:04:39 PDT 2003

Sorry, I thought we were talking about grabbing the iMusic ads on the Apople
site which play in QT. Is there a similar method for those?

>> Erica,
>>> 1. Command-F from finder
>>> 2. Add criteria: Visibility. Set to All
>>> 3. Search for File Name contains QTPluginTemp
>> What if I ain't got one of those? QT 6.1 is installed.
> You mean a "QTPluginTemp" file?  You'll only get one of those after you
> watch a music video in iTunes through the Music Store.
> I actually watched the whole music video first that I grabbed, left iTunes
> on that page and then grabbed the "QTPluginTemp" file.
> - Mark


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