[MacDV] Re: Quicktime problem

Robert Schoenburg rschoenburg at schoenburg.com
Wed May 7 17:16:11 PDT 2003

I will try again. Thanks Mark. I did try something like that with no luck.
Interesting that Netscape and Safari open it with no problem.

> That usually has to do with MIME type mappings on the web server.  Usually
> if you ask the hosting provider to add a MIME type for you it shouldn't be a
> problem.  You should also be able to add the MIME information if you embed
> the QuickTime movie in it's own HTML page, rather than linking to it
> directly.
> Here's a sample embed tag you can use as a reference:
> <embed width="320" height="256"
> pluginspage="http://www.apple.com/quicktime/download/"
> src="path/to/quicktime.mov" type="video/quicktime" controller="true"
> autoplay="true">
> Note:  if you have the "controller" attribute set to "true" then you need to
> add 16 pixels to the height of the movie to make room for the controller
> without causing the movie to lose proportion.
> There's more info on embedding QuickTime movies on web pages on Apple's
> site.
> Hope that helps.
> - Mark
> On 5/7/03 10:06 AM, "Robert Schoenburg" <rschoenburg at schoenburg.com> wrote:
>> I uploaded a QT movie and a web page. The page has a link to the movie. When
>> the page loads, the following message is displayed:
>> The Plug-in for application/octet-stream is not installed
>> Anyone have a clue as to what this is?
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