[MacDV] Re: Do not have cash to blow:(

doug lauber dugster77 at earthlink.net
Wed May 14 07:12:54 PDT 2003

Illovox Media wrote:

> >> I remember this movie that followed none of your advice had no budget
> >> and the script if there was one was probably written on a used napkin.
> >> This was the Blair Witch Project most people considered it a successful
> >> project.
> Yeah, right, like BWP was just tossed off.  Get real.  That film was
> meticulously planned, and still had far more than a 2k budget.  More
> importantly, it had a multi-million dollar shill campaign that took
> advantage of the novelty of digital film-making and the internet.  That's
> really why it was a hit...MYSTIQUE!  Chris...write first, forget about
> camera - period - unless you want to shoot them cute babies.  There, now
> your budget for money to "blow" is up $1000.  Buy the babies some clothes.

Never mind the babies, Chris. Find yourself some fine college women.
The first step is writing well. Send me a scene or two, I'll tell you
how to improve it.  -doug

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