[MacDV] OT: Formatting an MS DOS disk in Jaguar

Michael Winter winter at mac.com
Fri Nov 14 11:39:55 PST 2003

On Nov 14, 2003, at 7:42 AM, Carl Flatow wrote:

> According to "The Missing Manual" if I open Disk Utilities, select a 
> volume ( in a usb floppy drive) I should be able to format it by 
> choosing MS-DOS File System under the Erase tab.
> Unfortunately the only options available are two Mac formats and UNIX.
> Can someone help with this?

Maybe. It looks like you have to do it to an entire drive. For example, 
I have a drive that shows up in Disk Utility as "115.0 GB Oxford 
Semi..." . Below that, and slightly indented is the volume name 
("Silver" in my case). If I click on "Silver" (the volume, I can only 
format in  Mac or UNIX format. If I click on "115.0 GB Oxford Semic..." 
(the drive) I can now format as MS-DOS File System.

So it looks like you can do an entire disk as MS-DOS File System, but 
not a single volume or partition on a disk.

Hope that helps.


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