[MacDV] Re: iMovie 3 and Image Resolution

KCIVORY at aol.com KCIVORY at aol.com
Wed Sep 10 20:14:11 PDT 2003

I am very new to this and need help in getting a very important project done. 
I have 34 minutes in iMovie3 which I hope to finish to iDVD3. I also have 2 
pertinent questions.
1. Can I save the project before sending it to Quicktime so as to have a 
backup if I need to re edit at another time?
2. The last project I attempted had sync issues due to an error on my 
part(novice with camera) and recording in 12 AND 16 bit modes. Wondering if taking it 
to Quicktime will let me export the project out of Quicktime back to the 
camera, then importing it all again at the same bit rate? Thanks in advance from a 
real green-y.

Kelly Casey Spavin

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