[MacDV] Expert Settings in iMovie 4

James Asherman jimash at optonline.net
Sat Apr 3 16:09:26 PST 2004

On Thursday, April 1, 2004, at 06:21  PM, MLane2250 at aol.com wrote:

> Hi all: I'm trying to export to quicktime using expert settings.  I'm 
> going to Share and then to Quicktime and selecting Expert Settings and 
> that seems to be the end of my drop down menus.  If I hit "Share" I 
> don't get any options for the settings, it automatically starts to 
> compress the movie and I end up with a monster file with little, if 
> any compression.  Any help?  Am I missing a step or is my software not 
> behaving as it should.
> Thanks to one and all.
> Marc

Even though a compression timeline has appeared a window (file 
requester) giving you a chance to decide where to put it also comes up 
and the compression does not start. In this second file placement 
window is a button labeled"Options". Thats the one where you do the 
expert set up.

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