[MacDV] DVD writing on *really low* G4?

Mark M. Florida markf at squareblue.com
Wed Apr 14 14:59:28 PDT 2004

On Apr 14, 2004, at 2:41 PM, Bruce Pillman wrote:

> But, it seems Apple won't support iDVD on a 350 MHz G4

Just because the almighty Apple won't "support" something doesn't mean 
it won't work.  It will work, but iDVD 4 will be SLOW.  If you could 
find a copy of iDVD 3 (part of the original iLife package - 1.0), that 
may better suited to your hardware (you may also need an older DVD-R 
drive like the Pioneer 105 or 106 for iDVD 3).

You can always get a G4 processor upgrade (hopefully you have a G4 with 
AGP graphics?) -- they're getting cheaper and cheaper.  I don't know 
what your budget is, but you can get 1 GHz G4 upgrades for about $300 

2 cents.

- Mark

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