[MacDV] Re: Upgrading

Paul Moortgat paul.moortgat at pandora.be
Thu Feb 12 22:17:05 PST 2004

I've a different story.  My Maxtor drives (6) aren't broken yet. A 
neighbor's Seagate has stop working in a flash.  A guy who can know 
repaired it for a while, but it was damaged to much to hold longer.  
The problem is usually a capacitor located near the power connector.

Paul Moortgat

On 13-feb-04, at 07:09, filipp wrote:

> I recommend Westerd Digital drives,
> they're reliable, quiet and give very good
> performance. The Seagate's are OK too. I'd
> steer clear of Maxtor's IDE drives as those
> have the highest failure rate in the industry
> atm.
> Here's a nice resource for deciding on a new HD:
> http://storagereview.com/php/tiki/tiki-index.php?page=LeaderBoard

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