[MacDV] Re: Cleaner 6.0.1: QT SV3 Large Dl v's WMV WM7 Large Dl

Mark M. Florida markf at squareblue.com
Tue Mar 23 14:22:00 PST 2004

On 3/23/04 4:06 PM, YangZone at aol.com at YangZone at aol.com wrote:

> This helps. though Com-i reveals: Sorenson 3 Video, 480 x 360, millions, IMA
> 4:1, Stereo, 44.1KHz output. 25 fps, (playing: same), Data rate: 138.4k
> bytes/sec.

Your Windows Media file is set up the same way?  Same frame size, audio
compression level (that may be the big difference), frame rate?

I bet it's the audio -- you can duplicate the standard setting, then edit
the audio settings to use MP3 audio at 128 kb/s.  That should dramatically
decrease the overall size of your file.

> The only tweak that I can see that might help would be to select QT 6 instead
> of 5 in a new setting.

That doesn't actually change the video at all -- it just embeds a little
metadata into the file letting you know which version of QuickTime you'll
need to be able to play it.

> Since it's an SV3 'am not sure what's up.  I did not have to tweak the WMV
> setting...


(I can send you the Cleaner settings file off-list if you want)

- Mark

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