[MacDV] Shotgun mike?

Vtstream vtstream at yahoo.com
Sat Apr 16 11:44:04 PDT 2005

I have used one on a GL2 and the big difference is that you pick up less sound from the sides and rear, though the Canon GL2 is pretty quiet anyway.  This is very helpful with interviews which take place in a noisey environment. 
I think the motor noise would be better addressed with a wireless remote mic. Or even a handheld wired remote mic. 
I'd buy a new camera. I'm  not so sure about the HD though. I think that involves a whole new ball of wax on the non-linear editing end, if I'm not mistaken.

David Cole <themixguy at mac.com> wrote:
Never used one on my camcorder, but I'm wondering if it would help. I 
get handling noise on my recordings. Maybe my camera is old, but when I 
zoom or pan the camera, it creaks a bit (so do I, but that's another 
story...). I also get a fair amount of "motor noise" (a constant whir 
that I assume is the internal guts of the camcorder spinning) on my 
recordings, particularly noticeable in low level audio situations 
(quiet parts of a play or church ceremony). If I mount a shotgun mike 
on top of the camera, will it still pick up this mechanical noise of 
the camera being operated? Maybe I'm just looking for an excuse to buy 
a newer camera... the Sony HDV model perhaps?

Thanks in advance for your feedback.


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