[MacDV] Re: DVD decoding quality Hardware vs. Software

FC Farwell frankfarwell at mac.com
Sat Dec 31 04:51:44 PST 2005

From: <illovox at comcast.net>

> do they work in x?

This does not matter to me what matters is which does a better job of 
decoding and displaying, as a decent hardware decoder such as used on 
the WS 233-266-300 Mhz and Lombard 333 Mhz all used a hardware decoding 
solution. Later then that its all software decoded.

FC Farwell

The Future still holds all of God's promises yet unfulfilled. The 
present has all spiritual blessings for us now. The past reveals how 
faithful God is.

>> From: FC Farwell <frankfarwell at mac.com>

>> Subject: [MacDV] DVD decoding quality Hardware vs. Software
>> I wonder how the DVD quality is on the older Powerbooks with a DVD
>> decoder card to the newer ones with software decoding.
>> FC Farwell

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