[MacDV] Canon DV

Vtstream vtstream at yahoo.com
Sun May 1 05:54:16 PDT 2005

No..never thought of doing it that way . the drive is connected to the computer via 400firewire and the camera is connected to the computer using the other fire wire port. 
Is there any other way? I assume there needs to be software involved somewhere. 

ShirleyK <ShirleyKat at cox.net> wrote:
And do you attach the camera to the drive instead of the computer? That 
would not have occurred to me. I'd attach it to the computer and send 
the data to the external drive (not that I really know how to do that 
either). Is that an inefficient way to do it?


On Apr 29, 2005, at 12:32 PM, Vtstream wrote:

> I am currently using a Lacie 200gb external Hard drive on an imac G5
> for the scratch capture disk using a canon gL1 with firewire 400.
> So far it seems to work just fine.
> macminialacool at mac.com wrote:
> Hey,
> A discussion that I started on the Apple discussion board but does
> anyone know if a Canon miniDV camcorder can be attached to a LaCie
> external hard drive for capturing or to a Firewire hub. People have
> told me it cannot and does not work which is why I may have to go the
> route of getting that 100GB internal hard drive.

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