[MacDV] Re: vhs conversion

sb videovideo at mac.com
Thu May 26 17:33:27 PDT 2005

Too much information - :)

Yeah, swapping out the smaller internal for a bigger one will do the trick.



On 5/26/05 5:21 PM, "Richard Meyeroff" <rem at meyeroff-c-c.com> wrote:

> SB
> I am thinking of swaping out the 80gb slave drive internal for a
> 400GB (the master is a 250GB).
> The reason that I posed the question I did was to get some guidance
> on what converter to buy and what features I needed.  It seems that
> there are only good things to say about most of the ones available
> excpt for the ones made by Formac.
>> Buy a converter box for $175 and a big external firewire hard drive and
>> you'll be good to go.
>> Other World Computing usually has reasonable prices on external firewire
>> drives. You can also check prices at DealMac.com or DealsOnTheWeb.com
>> Make sure the drive is Firewire (not USB).
>> You'll need approximately 100GB for each tape, so I would get a 160GB Hard
>> drive to leave some room for the DVD (it will require 25gb before it
>> encodes).
>> You can do the editing with iMovie and the DVD burning with iDVD.
>> If you have a new dual-layer DVD burner, you can fit more on it, otherwise,
>> you'll get just a smidgen less than 2 hours per DVD, which, if you delete
>> the commercials, will easily allow you to put two episodes on each disc.
>> Once you have the converter box, you can set up your Mac to capture the TV
>> show directly onto the hard drive with iMovie in real time. Makes it much
>> easier/faster to archive those favs!
>>  regards,
>>  sb
>> On 5/26/05 4:17 PM, "Richard Meyeroff" <rem at meyeroff-c-c.com> wrote:
>>>  I am going to be converting 4-6-8 hour VHS tape taped from the TV.
>>>  What I want to do is convert the tape to DV delete the shows we no
>>>  longer want and then burn them to DVD.
>>>>  The DataVideo tec works on Macs, as do virtually all the converter boxes.
>>>>  They just take an analog signal and convert it to dv via firewire
>>>> which Macs
>>>>  have had as a standard for about 7 years.
>>>>  Many PC's still don't come with built in firewire.
>>>>  I have used 4 different manufacturers converter boxes quite a bit. (Sony,
>>>>  ADS, DataVideoTek, Canopus). All work well. I have heard the Miglia also
>>>>  works well.
>>>>  I have used some other boxes that I didn't like, Formac Studio being the
>>>>  worst, in my experience, YMMV.
>>>>  The audio doesn't go out of sync on any of them. (captures of an hour or
>>>>  more)
>>>>  Unless the camera was set to 32khz/12 bit audio, or you are
>>>> capturing across
>>>>  a lot of timecode breaks.
>>>>  Locked Audio is a feature of the DVCam spec. It locks the audio to each
>>>>  frame. The normal dv spec allows the audio to drift within 1 sec
>>>> (30 frames)
>>>>  before relocking, but in really it only drifts a frame or two.
>>>>  If it drifted a whole second, then the audio would just stop and restart
>>>> at
>>>>  the beginning of the next second. Which I've never heard happen.
>>>>  Loss of audio sync on long captures is virtually always either 32khz audio
>>>>  or many tc breaks, neither of which is addressed by Canopus' Locked Audio
>>>>  "feature".
>>>>   regards,
>>>>   sb
>>>>  On 5/26/05 12:44 PM, "Nick Scalise" <nickscalise at mac.com> wrote:
>>>>>   On Thursday, May 26, 2005, at 11:52AM, Patty Winter
>>>>>  <patty1 at sonic.net> wrote:
>>>>>>   Jamie already answered the question about disk space, so I'll just
>>>>>>   put in another recommendation for the Canopus A/D converter. I have
>>>>>>   an ADVC-100 as well, and it works great.
>>>>>   One more vote for the ADVC-100 from me.
>>>>>   Also, the ADVC-100 will defeat Macrovision'ed tapes too. I do not
>>>>>  know if this
>>>>>   functionality has survived through to the ADVC-110. Helped me
>>>>> transfer some
>>>>>   movies to DVD that would not play on the living room vcr, happy
>>>>> kids now...
>>>>>   Thirdly, Canopus advertises Audio Sync Lock, said to keep audio in sync
>>>>>  over
>>>>>   longer captures.
>>>>>   Q: Has anyone that is *not* using a Canopus unit ever experienced
>>>>>  their audio
>>>>>   going out of sync on longer analog captures? Just curious if
>>>>>  Canopus actually
>>>>>  has an advantage or not.

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