[MacDV] New G5 dies, mac servicing, photos altered, web design warning

Granville Kennedy gskiii at verizon.net
Tue Oct 4 10:08:41 PDT 2005

Hash: SHA1

I've been having intermittent failures of the USB ports on the back  
of my 17" Studio LCD display that has the ADC connector.  Finally  
called AppleCare and they had me reset PRAM and then boot into Open  
Firmware (hold down cmd-opt-o-f on restart).  That led to a bunch of  
USB errors being generated and replicated the failure of those USB  
ports.  (I've kept a card reader that has a green light pugged into  
one port so I can see when I've got problems...)  The tech had me  
type reset-nvram and then reset-all which rebooted.  So far the  
problem hasn't happened again.  I may take the monitor in anyway  
since I have less than a week of AppleCare coverage left.  The tech  
left and spoke to his manager about the problem and came back and  
told me that it is very likely the display that is causing the  
problem.  This is a known problem.  If you got AppleCare on the  
display I'd take it in just in case.

                     Joey Kennedy.

On Oct 4, 2005, at 4:44 AM, FredBillie at aol.com wrote:

> I had problems with My dual 1.8 G5 with all kinds of strange  
> freezes, resetting of the time (no, it wasn't the battery) and  
> inability to restart. Apple replaced the logic board (in home  
> service). No luck. They then replaced the CPUs. No Luck. Same with  
> the memory. No luck. Then the service technician happened to  
> disconnect the Super Drive (which had also exhibited some problems)  
> and lo and behold all the problems vanished. Weird. A replacement  
> of the Super Drive was then made and have had no problems since  
> then. Well, actually one other problem cropped up (as it has  
> before). I got intermittent failure of the USB connection from the  
> 20" LCD screen to the keyboard. Kind of like on for 30 seconds and  
> off for 30 seconds. That problem also disappeared and hasn't  
> reappeared as yet but I am beginning to wonder if I am getting  
> intermittent failure of the USB connection on the back of the LCD  
> screen.
> Comments, anyone?

Version: PGP Desktop 9.0.2 (Build 2425)


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