[MacDV] Formatting problem: video in PowerPoint

Mike Rehbein rotorwash at mac.com
Mon Feb 19 17:20:13 PST 2007


how about using IE

sounds like you have "frames" to show and then a .mpeg clip and then  
more frames.

HTML would be simpler and probably more reliable then PowerPoint  
because the HTML would not likely need updating as the versions of  
the windoes OS changes with security updates, versions changes like  
going from 2000 to XP to Vista to?

So this might be a maintenance nightmare to create a PPS only to have  
to go back and fix it as PowerPoint changes versions.

If you want to get fancy in a web page, probably use Dreamweaver to  
make the pages.

In any event, making a page with links to the folder of all the clips  
would play the clip in .mpeg format, no conversion necessary as long  
as the PC has an mpeg player installed.

Browsers have a KIOSK mode you can use so that nothing of the menus  
show or, simply turn off most or all of the menus in the browser window.

I don't know what the decision tree looks like the sales staff would  
need to move among the files they wish to display but this is one way  
to do it.

One that that won't be available would be a simple way to click and  
print all the frames as in PPT but, unless the PPT has been  
configured for that audience specifically, the sales staff won't get  
a tailored printout any way.


On Feb 19, 2007, at 9:50 AM, Ehrhart, Robert wrote:

> I need some help! I’m trying to come up with the configuration that  
> will
> allow me to play some videos in a PowerPoint presentation. I  
> converted the
> file to an avi with CinePak compression in Quicktime, but the image  
> quality
> is horrible. I converted it into a .wmv file from mpeg streamline,  
> but it
> won’t play in PowerPoint. A test of the .mpeg is posted here:
> http://www.mindspring.com/~ehrhart/files/
> <http://www.mindspring.com/~ehrhart/files/>
> the file is the only one in the folder, named Test070210.mpeg
> Does anyone have any suggestions about how to format the video  
> file? It has
> to be compatible with PowerPoint—this is for a cd of video  
> testimonials that
> a sales force will use to customize their presentations.
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