[MacDV] Making Chapters in video

Marilyn Elhart meelhart at msn.com
Tue Jan 16 15:08:32 PST 2007

YES!!!! Had one way back when I worked in the school system then moved to PC
at home-had a friend working for Microsoft who could keep bailing me
out-Tired of lock ups etc. Our son is a Mac Guru as he designs covers etc
for CD's so now he is the Guru but also is very busy so am trying to learn
things on my own and so appreciate the helpful willing people who share
their wisdom.  I think I will try the iTunes thing.  Next question when I
want to add another CD and then put it on my iPod, how would that look?  I
assume I would load it with external drive on and attached with firewire but
then I am pretty blank.  Happens a lot I fear:)

On 1/16/07 2:08 PM, "David Abramowitz" <david.abramowitz at verizon.net> wrote:

> Yeah, the kids love watching them, and for us it's been a lot of "I
> can't even remember when they were that small..." moments. The iTunes
> thing shouldn't be a big deal either. Just put your whole library on
> the external drive, then go into iTunes, into Preferences, click on
> Advanced, then next to where it says iTunes Music Folder Location,
> hit the Change button, and navigate to the location of the new
> library. Presto! All done. Don't you just love Macs?
> On Jan 16, 2007, at 4:37 PM, Marilyn Elhart wrote:
>> Thanks for the tips about Costco also.  Love that place and for
>> that price
>> it is not a big deal if I have 15 unused minutes on the DVD. Right
>> now I am
>> gathering info about moving my Itunes Library to an external Hard
>> Drive so I
>> have more space on the Mac to use for movie work.  Always
>> something:) My
>> husband I and I were watching our Germany movies last night on the old
>> Analog cam corder plugged into the TV set and so enjoyed them it
>> will be fun
>> when all we have to do is pop in a DVD.  Thanks for all the help.
>> On 1/16/07 12:09 PM, "David Abramowitz" <david.abramowitz at verizon.net>
>> wrote:
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