[MV] Re: ViaVoice gone?

Randy B. Singer randy at mother.com
Thu Jul 24 13:17:34 PDT 2003

T. Patrick Henebry said:

>ViaVoice for OS X
>Medical vocabulary for ViaVoice for OS X

A new question, if I may.

>From the MacWarehouse site:

>>IBM® ViaVoice Medical Vocabulary for Mac
>>IBM® ViaVoice Medical Vocabulary for Mac® voice-recognition software 
>>includes such features as Direct Dictation to help you dictate and edit 
>>speech directly into supported Mac applications. ViaVoice also features 
>>voice commands that enable Internet browser and chat interaction, well as 
>>customized vocabularies for topics such as Chatter's Jargon and Cuisine. 
>>It also comes with a Plug-and-Play, USB microphone that supports most 
>>desktop systems.
>># Product Description:ViaVoice Medical Vocabulary - complete package

Does the Medical Vocabulary come with a copy of ViaVoice (hence the 
"complete package" notation from the MacWarehouse site) or is it an 
extra-cost add-on to VV (an add-on that costs more than the basic package 


Randy B. Singer
Co-Author of: The Macintosh Bible (4th, 5th and 6th editions)

Most of the people I know use Macs, and it feels like we¹re a privileged 
minority, though the odd thing is that, unlike Mercedes or BMW's, they 
are not significantly more expensive than the competition. Why does 
anybody use anything else?   
-Douglas Adams

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