[MV] Re: ViaVoice gone?

T. Patrick Henebry tphenebry at comcast.net
Thu Jul 24 13:57:40 PDT 2003

On 7/24/03 4:17 PM, "Randy B. Singer" <randy at mother.com> wrote:

> He also told me that Apple tried to purchase the
> product from IBM, but that IBM wasn't interested at the price Apple
> offered.

Now this I had not heard. But I'm not surprised in the least.

I was already aware that IBM had pretty much stopped development of ViaVoice
for Mac OS X. (Point blank between Mac users screaming for free upgrades
until they got them and low sales there isn't enough money being brought in
to justify continued development. Mac users shot themselves in the foot on
this one.)
T. Patrick Henebry
tphenebry at comcast.net

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