[MV] Voice Recognition Tech Question

revDAVE coolcat at hosting4days.com
Fri Mar 10 07:32:13 PST 2006

On 3/9/2006 4:11 PM, "Chuck Rogers" <thechuck at mac.com> wrote:

> Large corporations use a limited vocabulary speech recognition
> system. Typically, these systems can recognize only about 1000 words
> (or less). The way the usually work is that the computer is listening
> for a word it recognizes, and then executes the appropriate action
> based on the response.
> For instance, if you call to get flight information it might ask you
> if the flight is for today or tomorrow. It may even allow you to say
> the day of the week. If you say "I would like flight information for
> tomorrow" it hears "tomorrow." But if you say "I'd like flight
> information for two weeks from Thursday" or "the second Wednesday in
> April" it would not know how to handle the request.
> They don't need training because of the limited vocabulary. The fewer
> words that need to be recognized, the fewer that can sound alike,
> also, context is not an issue. All this makes it easy to be
> recognized. In a way, they are not that much different from the
> Speakable Items developed by Apple.
> Make sense?

Yes - that does make sense - thanks!

Thanks - RevDave
CoolCat at hosting4days.com

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