Unix on OS X

Massimo Marino Massimo_Marino at lbl.gov
Tue Dec 3 10:58:59 PST 2002

I am going to give you the best tip of all:

Install the Developers Tool (free download from Apple Developers 
Connection) and, after that is done, go visit

just to have a taste of what is available. To this day the guys at Fink 
have ported to OS X some 1,800 packages from Unix/Linux
ranging from window managers, compilers, LaTex stuff, games, the whole 
GNOME, etc etc.

Apart from that, most well behaved application compile just fine with

./configure && make && make install



On Tuesday, December 3, 2002, at 07:03 PM, PowerBook G4 Titanium List 

> Message-ID: <20021203170912.83946.qmail at web13901.mail.yahoo.com>
> Date: Tue, 3 Dec 2002 09:09:12 -0800 (PST)
> From: Douglas Hawkins <dughawk at yahoo.com>
> Subject: [Ti] UNIX/LINUX APPS
>  Is ther eany way we can Use the Linux/Unix side of
> OSX? I am relatively New to X and wish to be able to
> use some LINUX APPS also. Thanks...>Dug
> =====
Massimo Marino, Ph.D.
NERSC Division - HPC Department
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory 
On leave at CERN, CH, EP Division, Atlas experiment
phone: (+41) 22 767-1288 fax: (+41) 22 767-8350 Office: 40-3-D16
alternate email: marino at slac.stanford.edu, marino at mail.cern.ch, 
Massimo.Marino at cern.ch

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